Michigan Technical Resource Park

Technical Labor Services

Technical Labor Services

Excellent customer service is one of our biggest core values. That’s why we provide our customers with direct labor, equipment support, and the flexibility needed to ensure that you have the best possible experience. Our labor services staff members are available to handle any project.

We’re Flexible

We know that flexibility is extremely important to our customers. Flexibility reduces operating expenses and allows your business to grow. Our labor services staff is always available to provide you with the support and resources you need to get the job done.

What’s great about our flexibility? You can quote projects that you otherwise may have left behind, due to lack of resources. You can also handle larger projects or upward spikes in business. Our superior scalability of operating resources is a business advantage – for you. This flexibility reduces operating expenses and allows you to grow.

Real World Vehicles, Real World Testing

Michigan Technical Resource Park representatives can quickly assist you in with all of your vehicle testing needs.

Our 332 acre privately owned facility is located in southeast Michigan, just north of Toledo, Ohio, and less than a one hour drive from Detroit Metro Airport.

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Ready to Rev Up those Engines?

Give us a call at (567) 694-2440 or send us a message online.

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